Our belief is simple: The Bible makes sense and contains an amazing message of hope for all people!
Kingdom of God
We are told that Jesus will return to the earth as a just king, to build a world free from suffering, where people will live forever in peace and joy. This is God's purpose, to fill the earth with His glory.
Jesus will judge the living and the dead when he returns, giving those who have believed and followed him a special place in the kingdom. We are not told exactly when this will be, but world events show that God's plan is in motion and we should be preparing.
Baptism is the full immersion in water of an adult as a sign that they believe the things concerning the kingdom of God and the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a symbol of being buried with Jesus and raised to a new life, washing away past sins.
We are commanded to be baptised into Christ if we want to share the hope of being in God’s kingdom.